Monday, January 15, 2007

The Drawing

My son is working on a project and came to me for help drawing some of the picture's from the book he's reading. He was frustrated with himself and discouraged that he isn't good at drawing. I encouraged him and told him he was good at drawing and that I'd help him finish the project today. I'm not a very good artist myself but I'll do what I can.

He brought this picture out to show me the night that Kelli and Shelli were over. Please understand that I'm not making fun of his drawing skills here, only what came to my mind when I first looked at the picture. He said it was a teacher sitting down in a chair and he wasn't happy with how it had turned out. The poor guy thought we were laughing at him (and we tried hard to control our laughter for his sake). I reassured him that we weren't laughing at him or his drawing and he was okay.

Here is the drawing. Look at the teacher sitting in her chair on the right side of the picture. Does it remind you of anything? No further explanation needed for the laughter, right?


Anonymous said...

Poor Caden. You should be ashamed.
You are on a roll this week...

Carri said...

Okay, I'm on a roll but that's my boy and I never pick on him!

Hmmm.........who is next?

Anonymous said...

That was so funny when I saw that pic! He tried though!

Anonymous said...

Shame on you all....uhhh..that is quite a chair though...By the way, is he giving this to his teacher, if so you had better get him a lawyer first...

Carri said...

Now, that was funny about the lawyer! I know we're cruel but can you blame us??????
I love that boy but couldn't help myself with this one! He'll appreciate it one day.