Monday, August 28, 2006

The Baby Girl Starts College

The baby girl started college today! I feel so old. (Truth be told, she's exactly half my age, but who asked and who's counting?)
Lucky for us she opted to stay home for a year and attend the local Jr. College. All went well today. She bought all of her books and from the sounds of it she needed a pallet jack to get them to her car. I'm so glad she changed her mind at the last hour and decided to stay home a little longer. Granted, we drive each other nuts but I just wasn't quite ready to turn her loose out there in the real world. She semi-regrets that decision but we sure don't. That's the only reason I've kept my mouth shut about not being able to see the floor in her bedroom recently. No reason to make her regret it any more!


Anonymous said...

I can't tell you enough how beautiful she is. I swear, if I could choose anyone to look like, it would be Lauren.

28 August, 2006 20:14

tangled in ribbons said...

how sweet, she's beautiful!

Anonymous said...

congratulations, mom and dad... and especially to my 'grand' daughter. The picture is beautiful. I would also like to see one posted with her also "very" beautiful smile.

Ronni said...

Carri, if you click on the trash can again, and check the box that says "remove forever" or some such, the would deleted comment will disappear, as if it never was.

Your girl is lovely. Now where did I get the idea that yur kids were much younger than that?

Carri said...

Thanks for the compliments. I think we'll keep her. We're very proud of her.

Oh, thanks, Ronni. That's good to know. Well, she's the oldest and the other two are 10 and 11.

Anonymous said...

Okay, so I'm sorting through Lauren's senior photos thinking to myself "I can't believe this sweet little baby girl is all grown up". I can't believe 18 years have passed. She was 2 last year I think.
I have to say that she has the best qualities of both you & sixteensisters husband, but then I get to picture #22.
Carri, it could be you 10 years ago (wink, wink). I'm serious. I've told you before that you look like sisters (& you do), but that picture is the spitting image of you. It is exactly how I picture you every time I see you in my head. I hope you buy it.

Carri said...

Awww! It was like yesterday that she was 2! Like the time passed in the blink of an eye.
That's such a compliment.
Thank you.
Now I'll HAVE to buy that one! It's like my glamour shots from 14 years ago! HA! Ironically, it's her dad's favorite shot of them all. I'd not thought it looked like me before and am still not so sure. But I'll gladly agree with you.

Anonymous said...

Carri - I'm going to kill you. Of course, I've read ALL your entries!!! I'm officially addicted. I kept your blog open all day waiting for comments or even a new entry. I have 2 questions: 1) Why aren't you writing for a magazine or a newspaper like Carri from Sex in the City or even writing a book and 2) Why isn't Lauren modeling, and (ok, 3 questions) 3) Will you remember all your poor friends (like me) when you are rich & famous??? One day when Carri is on the best seller list & Lauren is on the cover of Sports Illustrated or Maxam, I'm gonna say: "she wrote about me once in her blog, with a great big smile on my face!!"

Carri said...

You're giving me way, way too much credit, girl, but thank you!

And thanks for reading my blog. I'm feeling a little pressure to entertain you now. ha

Carri said...

Awww, thanks, Kelli. Your $20 is in the mail!

Anonymous said...

I still haven't gotten the $20, oh wait, the Wal-Mart trip was more than enough! What would I do without you in my life! Thanks for being so kind! ;)